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AppA service that is available to any Kitetag and is configured by the Kitetag Manager. These include internal apps (e.g. URL redirects, vCards, Webhooks) and integrations to third-party apps such as Zapier.
Automatic Message DataData from a Kitetag that is automatically generated by the NFC chip with each tap. Automatic data may be dynamic and cannot be changed by users.
Built-in dataAny data that is printed on a Kitetag or encoded on its chip memory. This includes chip UID and printed callsign. Built-in data cannot be changed by users.
BundleA group of Kitetags packaged together for sale. Kitetags can be purchased in bundles of 1, 10, 100, 1000, etc. When you add one Kitetag in a bundle, you automatically add all of them to your account.
CallsignA human-friendly ID printed on a Kitetag that is easy to read and say, for example "kite-8247". This makes it easy for people to identify Kitetags without needing a smartphone or special device.
Claiming a KitetagAdding a Kitetag and the others in the same bundle to an account by tapping a Kitetag.
Custom DataData that can be configured and associated to any Kitetag by the Kitetag Manager.
Frozen KitetagA Kitetag that has been deactivated due to issues with collecting payment.
Grounded KitetagA Kitetag that belongs to an account (is “claimed”), but has been placed in the "Grounded" Kitetag Group. These tags cannot be configured and do not contribute to a subscriber's active Kitetag count.
Interaction BuilderA visual tool for the Kitetag Manager to configure a Kitetag Interaction. Each are different depending on the chosen app.
InterfaceA screen that appears on the Tapper's browser after tapping a Kitetag. This is configured in the Interaction Builder.
KitetagAn NFC tag (card, sticker, etc.) which has been pre-encoded to direct a smartphone’s mobile browser to the Kitetags platform which executes the configured interaction when tapped.
Kitetag Data Structure (KDS)Defines and names the data to be used by Kitetag Groups. After assigning a KDS to a group, the Kitetag Manager can update each Kitetag with specific data.
Kitetag GroupA set of Kitetags that share the same Kitetag Data Structure and Kitetag Interaction. Kitetags can be moved between Kitetag groups.
Kitetag Interaction (KI)This is defines what happens after a Kitetag is tapped with a smartphone. Interactions can use manual data, Kitetags data, Tapper input data or a combination of all three.
Kitetag ManagerKitetags account owner who sets up the and manages Kitetags.
Near Field Communication (NFC)A popular communication standard supported by smartphones used for tapping NFC tags and payment terminals that have Android Pay or Apply Pay.
TapTo hold an NFC-enabled smartphone up to an NFC tag and read it.
TapperAnybody who taps a Kitetag with a smartphone. After being tapped, Kitetags will run the configured Kitetag Interaction. Tappers usually do not have access to the Kitetags admin portal.
Test FlightAn app to demonstrate that a Kitetag is working. It displays the UID, callsign, and location on a phone's browser (if location services are enabled) after a Kitetag is tapped. Test Flight is default for newly added Kitetags.
UIDUnique ID. A globally unique ID number that is permanently encoded on NFC chips by the IC manufacturer.
[Unclaimed KitetagA Kitetag that has not yet been claimed and connected to an account.
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