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Getting started

Creating a FREE account

  • First-time users create a new account on the FREE ($0/month) plan by tapping an unclaimed Kitetag with a phone.
  • Order a free* Try Kitetags card at and receive it by post or expresss delivery. You will receive an unclaimed Kiteag ready for you to tap.
  • Note that new accounts can only be created by tapping an unclaimed Kitetag.

*Shipping and handling fees apply.

Check your Kitetags with Test Flight

  • After creating a username and password, your Kitetag will automatically be added to your account in a newly created Kitetag Group. The name of the Kitetag group will be generated for you but can be changed at any time.
  • Tap the Kitetag and the Test Flight app will launch on your phone's browser. This verifies that your Kitetag is working and successfully claimed by your account.
  • The callsign in the Test Flight app will match the one printed on your Kitetag. Callsigns make it easy for you to identify Kitetags by sight.

Configure a URL Redirect and change it

  • Move the Kitetag to the prebuilt Kitetag Group called "Get started with URL Redirects". Click on that group to expand and reveal the Kitetag.
  • In the "Target URL" field of the Kitetag, type in a URL
  • Tap the Kitetag and the phone's browser will be directed to that URL
  • Change the "Target URL" and tap again

Configure a vCard and change it

  • Move the Kitetag to the prebuilt Kitetag Group called "Get started with vCards". Click on that group to expand and reveal the Kitetag.
  • Fill in the following Kitetag fields: "First Name", "Last Name", "Email", "Phone" and "Organization".
  • Tap the Kitetag to see the vCard data and download the vCard to your phone.
  • Change any of the fields and tap again.

Congratulations! You set up your first Kitetag!

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